Aikido is a Japanese martial art which focuses on cooperation, rather than competition. Children learn how to fall safely, avoid attacks and throw each other. They have fun playing challenging games that develop coordination, fitness and confidence.
Children are taught in a fun but structured environment by highly skilled and experienced instructors. The emphasis is on body movement, agility, discipline, martial etiquette and basic Aikido skills. No joint manipulation techniques will be taught.
Classes are for children ages 7 to 13. Older children can attend the adult beginners classes.
Please see instructor for Canadian Aikido Federation annual insurance of $20. Vancouver West Aikikai is a non-profit registered society.
More information about our children's Aikido program can be found in our brochure .
UPDATE: Our children's program is currently on pause. Note that teens aged 13 and up are welcome to join our regular Aikido program for teens and adults.
Katatedori Kokyunage (from Tenkan with tekatana)
Katatedori Kaitenage Omote and Ura
Morotedori Ikkyo Ura
Kosadori Iriminage
Katatedori Shihonage Omote
Katadori Kokyunage
Shomenuchi Ikkyo Ura
Suwari Waza Shomenuchi Ikkyo Omote
SW Shomenuchi Ikkyo Ura
Yokomenuchi Ikkyo Ura
Yokomenuchi Kokyunage (Uchi Tenkan)
Tsuki Ikkyo Omote
Tsuki Ikkyo Ura
Mae Ukemi – No hands
All previous requirements
Shomenuchi Kokyunage
Kosadori Kotegaeshi Omote
Morotedori Iriminage Omote
Katatedori Kokyuho Ura
Katatedori Shihonage Ura
Ryotedori Kokyunage
Ryotedori Kaitenage Omote and Ura
U Ryotedori Kokyunage
Shomenuchi Iriminage
Yokomenuchi Iriminage Omote
Tsuki Iriminage Omote
Tobi Ukemi
All previous requirements
Katatedori Ude Kimenage
Shomenuchi Shihonage Omote and Ura
SW Katatedori Ikkyo Omote and Ura
Morotedori Iriminage Ura
Kosadori Kotegaeshi Ura
Katatedori Tenshinage
SW Katadori Ikkyo Omote
Ryotedori Kokyunage
Ryotedori Ikkyo Omote and Ura
SW Ryotedori Ikkyo Omote and Ura
U Ryotedori Kaiten Iriminage
U Ryotedori Ikkyo Omote
Ryokatadori Kokyunage
U Ryokatadori Ikkyo Omote
Shomenuchi Kaitenage Omote
Yokomenuchi Kokyunage (2 ways)
Yokomenuchi Ikkyo Ura
Hanmi Handachiwaza Yokomenuchi Kokyunage
Tsuki Iriminage Ura
Jiyuwaza - Any 3 techniques
Randori - Ryokatadori (2 Uke)
All previous requirements
Katatedori Kokyunage
Ryotedori Kaitenage Omote and Ura
Ryotedori Shihonage Omote and Ura
HH Shomenuchi Ikkyo Omote and Ura
HH Katatedori Kaitenage Omote and Ura
Morotedori Iriminage
Katadori Ikkyo Omote
Ryotedori Kokyunage
Ryotedori Tenshinage (2 ways)
Ryokatadori Aikiotoshi
U Ryokatadori Kokyunage
SW Shomenuchi Iriminage
SW Yokomenuchi Iriminage
Tsuki Iriminage
Katatedori Koshinage
All previous requirements
Katatedori Kotegaeshi
Shomenuchi Shihonage Omote and Ura
Katatedori Iriminage (3 ways)
SW Katatedori Iriminage
Morotedori Iriminage
Morotedori Kotegaeshi
Katadori Iriminage
Katadori Menuchi Ikkyo Omote
Ryotedori Kokyunage
Ryotedori Ude Kimenage
Ryotedori Iriminage
SW Ryotedori Iriminage
Ryokatadori Ikkyo Omote
U Ryokatadori Kaiten Iriminage
U Ryokatadori Iriminage
Shomenuchi Kaitenage Ura
Shomenuchi Yonkyo Omote
SW Shomenuchi Yonkyo Omote
Yokomenuchi Iriminage (2 ways)
SW Yokomenuchi Ikkyo Omote and Ura
Tsuki Kaitenage Omote and Ura
Tsuki Kokyunage
Tsuki Koshinage
Jiyuwaza - Any 4 techniques
Randori - Ryokatadori (3 Uke)
All previous requirements
Katatedori Iriminage
HH Katatedori Ude Kimenage
Yokomenuchi Shihonage Omote and Ura
Katadori Menuchi Kotegaeshi
Ryotedori Iriminage
Yokomenuchi Ude Kimenage
Shomenuchi Sankyo Omote and Ura
U Ryotedori Kotegaeshi
Ryokatadori Iriminage
Shomenuchi Koshinage
HH U Ryokatadori Kokyunage
HH U Ryokatadori Kaitenage Omote
HH U Ryokatadori Ikkyo Omote
HH U Ryokatadori Kotegaeshi
U Katatedori Kubijime Kokyunage
U Katatedori Kubijime Shihonage Omote and Ura
Shomenuchi Kokyunage
Shomenuchi Kotegaeshi
Yokomenuchi Koshinage
Yokomenuchi Kaitenage Omote
Yokomenuchi Kotegaeshi (2 ways)
Yokomenuchi Yonkyo Omote
SW Yokomenuchi Yonkyo Omote
Tsuki Kotegaeshi
Jiyuwaza - Any 5 techniques
Randori – Any attack (3 Uke)
All previous requirements